He had to get to know my likes and dislikes and I had to get to know how he worked, and so we just had that little adjustment period.

The first album we did we had to get to know each other. How is working with Marty as well as being married to each other? It just kinda happened and I’m so glad it did. It’s the third record that he’s produced for me and we enjoy it more and more all the time. We still had to find time because I wanted him to produce this. And then Marty was available, because he’s been so busy among all of that time that I’m doing my thing. So we started recording with that and we started looking for songs and got a couple of Carl Jackson songs who’s such a great writer and producer and singer and picker and everything you can name. Because I’ve recorded 72 of his songs over the last 50 something years. And I think the last two albums Dallas has kind of been the catalyst to get that going. I said, “I love that one, I wanna record it” and Marty said, “OK, do it, it’s time to start another album”. I just know that one day we got a song from Dallas Frazier, and he hadn’t written for several years and he started writing again a few years ago. I sing around the house and I sing at different places around town and stuff like that, and I don’t know why. And then you know, you got the house and the groceries and the clean clothes and all that stuff. But we don’t like to be apart too long at a time, so we do that. If he’s out very long I usually fly out and meet him, and I may sing a song or two or I may just watch and holler for him. And then Marty, he’s out on the road a lot. I’ve got five children and eight grandchildren and I’ve got a brand new – well she’s not quite brand new, she was born in October, in Norway, and I haven’t seen her yet because of everything. Why did you decide this was the right time to make another album? It’s just, for me it’s a very important music. And it’s because I feel like anybody that’s singing country music, to me when I sing country music I’m releasing my heart to those that I’m singing to, and hopefully they can identify with some of it to make ’em feel better or not feel alone, or just get another perspective on things. Because people ask me what I think country music is and what it’s about, and I’ve always said I feel like country music is the cry of the heart. Well actually David Frick that wrote the liner notes, he’s actually the one that came up with that title. Why did you call the album ‘The Cry of the Heart’? I’ve had ’em tell me, “Well you can do more than country” and I’d say, “I don’t wanna do more than country”. I love any kind of good music but as far as my music I think this is what I need to be singing. My heart’s still the same where music is concerned. No, I’ve never really done everything different.